Wasabi Remote Procedure Call Interface

Wasabi Wallet provides an RPC interface to interact with the wallet programmatically. The RPC server is listening by default on port 37128.


The RPC server does NOT support batch requests or TLS communications (because it is not supported on Linux and on Macopen in new window). Requests are served in order one-by-one in series (no parallel processing). It is intentionally limited to serve only one whitelisted local address and it is disabled by default.

The more user friendly command line interface wcli can be found hereopen in new window.

Configure RPC

The RPC server has to be configured and enabled. This is done in the Config.json file and the relevant settings are:

JsonRpcServerEnabled: [true | false] (default: false)
JsonRpcServerPrefixes: [an array of string with prefixes]
	(default: [	"", "http://localhost:37128/"])

The RPC server can be configured to allow Anonymous access or Basic authentication just by editing:

JsonRpcUser: [username] (default: empty)
JsonRpcPassword: [userpassword] (default: empty)

By default both JsonRpcUser and JsonRpcPassword are empty "", which means that Anonymous requests are allowed. On the other hand, if JsonRpcUser and JsonRpcPassword are not empty it means that the requester has to provide the right credentials, otherwise he will get a http status code 401 (Unauthorized).

It is recommended to install the jq command line json processoropen in new window with sudo apt-get install jq, and then adding | jq at the end of every RPC command to have a structured output.

Then start Wasabi Wallet and load the wallet you want to use. Open a new terminal and use the following RPC commands to interact with your wallet, instead of the GUI.

For Windows Users

  • Using a Windows command prompt to execute any method, one must use double quotation marks " to surround the JSON data structure, and escape each double quotation mark that is inside the JSON structure by using a backslash \ before each double quotation mark. Example:
curl -s --data-binary "{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"1\",\"method\":\"getwalletinfo\" }" | jq

Available methods

The current version handles the following methods: getstatus, createwallet, listcoins, listunspentcoins, getwalletinfo, getnewaddress, send, build, broadcast, gethistory, listkeys, startcoinjoin, startcoinjoinsweep, stopcoinjoin and stop.

For certain methods, the RPC call may not require the password whereas a similar action in the GUI does require it. This difference is because the RPC call can use the clear text wallet file, which does not require the password to access. For example, the GUI requires a password to open a wallet (and access certain wallet information), because it uses different logic, such as start coinjoining immediately.

For wallet-specific calls, the wallet name should be specified in the URL path. Example:

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"getwalletinfo"}' | jq

The methods can be used as follows:


Returns information useful to understand Wasabi and its synchronization status.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"getstatus"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "torStatus": "Running",
    "backendStatus": "Connected",
    "bestBlockchainHeight": "1517613",
    "bestBlockchainHash": "0000000000000064db138798b6b789910bc7f29546a1ff506734dc7bb5780b28",
    "filtersCount": 689039,
    "filtersLeft": 0,
    "network": "TestNet",
    "exchangeRate": 7822.24,
    "peers": [
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:20.0452963+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.17.1(bitcore)/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:40.5267439+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.17.0/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:35.6408702+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18884",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.13.2/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:44.371711+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[fd87:d87e:eb43:7081:2a4e:edaa:f8bb:10d0]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.16.2/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:05.6071169+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.15.1/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:35.3028356+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.16.0/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:36.1277937+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.17.1/"
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastSeen": "2019-05-20T19:35:35.6409197+00:00",
        "endpoint": "[::ffff:]:18333",
        "userAgent": "/Satoshi:0.15.2/"
  "id": "1"


Returns the twelve recovery words of the freshly generated wallet.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"createwallet","params":["WalletName", "UserPassword"]}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "jazz garment survey smart cricket child pizza reform physical alien envelope lesson",
  "id": "1"

In case we try to generate a wallet with an already existing name it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "Wallet name is already taken."
  "id": "1"

In case we try to generate a wallet with a reserved wallet name it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "Invalid wallet name."
  "id": "1"

In case we try to generate a wallet with a too long password it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "Password is too long."
  "id": "1"


Returns the list of previously spent and currently unspent coins (confirmed and unconfirmed).

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listcoins"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "txid": "88d3e86b215ccbb0136da156fdc75548c3f8e3edd5a5d8aacb2c04d4cbf45987",
      "index": 0,
      "amount": 38478,
      "anonymityScore": 1,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 1428,
      "keyPath": "86'/1'/0'/1/0",
      "address": "tb1pf6u35naersjgmzw5szxxkrz47ugl4jdkj2x7n2fcqzmfpzm366wq0dxxv2"
      "txid": "a4f495cbf64f6e1942627954443c8edcf2b14fa6bea53219431c24ccb7f61707",
      "index": 0,
      "amount": 54626,
      "anonymityScore": 1,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 29800,
      "keyPath": "84'/1'/0'/0/0",
      "address": "tb1qg7y2xzmy5unyxem8utytwqmh837n30t83jy3z2",
      "spentBy": "95159c33459921cb5cc01364231f36bd6c82c025a057eb150346b37a8b2186cb"
      "txid": "cb4dda1d53e23dd63aba0e7ce6876014a9c8c361026b9835316b338d172802e4",
      "index": 54,
      "amount": 8192,
      "anonymityScore": 1,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 2638,
      "keyPath": "84'/1'/0'/1/0",
      "address": "tb1q3qt7a8aw5edjhawmg5964hk6jl7hzmd0wpavme",
      "spentBy": "8094b2d88df19a4cc3b09705935ed63f06736594d65d5cc8e663ac23054ed9a3"
  "id": "1"

In case there is no wallet open it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "There is no wallet loaded."
  "id": "1"


Returns the list of confirmed and unconfirmed coins that are unspent.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listunspentcoins"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "txid": "7958defd85bb4f34dc66b3323eaa2f4fbdbece35f5e1b2d7b49b461ddc2066ec",
      "index": 0,
      "amount": 109859,
      "anonymityScore": 1,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 6,
      "label": "kyced-exchange",
      "keyPath": "84'/0'/0'/0/616",
      "address": "tb1qgcng6v7wt03t80x6gh7s2x4rawg9zhenzrek4y"
      "txid": "06482d847623e096394ecfae58e86e075b7761da493e6eee45a6f2f9c8909582",
      "index": 0,
      "amount": 2994272,
      "anonymityScore": 9,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 1,
      "label": "",
      "keyPath": "84'/0'/0'/1/79",
      "address": "tb1qgfcv3pgj6tvzc5g73l7tps58q30zx8qk3y35uu"
      "txid": "aaddc190fe0c2612559b28f9a4a6f4e78906e1794545badccd2fc318257fe2c4",
      "index": 0,
      "amount": 195218,
      "anonymityScore": 1,
      "confirmed": true,
      "confirmations": 245,
      "label": "Maria, Andrew",
      "keyPath": "84'/0'/0'/0/623",
      "address": "tb1q2dgj9u3ggjg08hvvhf3l4m3u3ncpdxud8m0yqu"
  "id": "1"

In case there is no wallet open it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "There is no wallet loaded."
  "id": "1"


Returns information about the current loaded wallet.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"getwalletinfo"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "walletName": "WalletName",
    "walletFile": "/home/user/.walletwasabi/client/Wallets/WalletName.json",
    "State": "Started",
    "extendedAccountPublicKey": "tpubDCd1v6acjNY3uUqAtBGC6oBTGrCBWphMvkWjAqM2SFZahZb91JUTXZeZqxzscezR16XHkwi1723qo94EKgR75aoFaahnaHiiLP2JrrTh2Rk",
    "extendedAccountZpub": "vpub5YarnXR6ijVdw6G5mGhrUhf5bnodeCDJYtszFVW7LL3vr5HyRmJF8zfTZWzv6LjLPukmeR11ebWhLPLVVRjqbfyknJZdiwRWCyJcKeDdsC8",
    "accountKeyPath": "m/84'/0'/0'",
    "masterKeyFingerprint": "323ec8d9",
    "balance": 0
  "id": "1"

In case there is no wallet open it will return:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "There is no wallet loaded."
  "id": "1"


Creates an address and returns detailed information about it.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"getnewaddress","params":["Daniel, Alice"]}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "address": "tb1qdskc4y529ayqkqrddknnhdjqwnqc9wzl8940pn",
    "keyPath": "84'/1'/0'/0/30",
    "label": ["Alice", "Daniel"],
    "publicKey": "0263ea6712e56277bcb07b14b61c30bae2267ec10e0bbf7a024d2c6a0634d6e634",
    "scriptPubKey": "00146c2d8a928a2f480b006d6da73bb64074c182b85f"
  "id": "1"

In case an empty label is provided:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "Parameter cannot be empty. (Parameter 'label')"
  "id": "1"


Builds and broadcasts a transaction.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"send", "params": { "payments":[ {"sendto": "tb1qgvnht40a08gumw32kp05hs8mny954hp2snhxcz", "amount": 15000, "label": "David" }, {"sendto":"tb1qpyhfrpys6skr2mmnc35p3dp7zlv9ew4k0gn7qm", "amount": 86200, "label": "Michael"} ], "coins":[{"transactionid":"ab83d9d0b2a9873b8ab0dc48b618098f3e7fbd807e27a10f789e9bc330ca89f7", "index":0}], "feeTarget":2, "password": "UserPassword" }}' | jq
  "result": {

The fees for the transaction will be added on top of the sum of the outputs' amounts. If you have three outputs with 0.4, 0.3 and 0.3 BTC, the amount of BTC in the inputs must be at least 0.4+0.3+0.3 + mining fees.

You can add subtractFee: true to one of the request's payments to change this behaviour. Now the mining fee will be subtracted from the output in which subtractFee was set to true so the input amounts summed up can be exactly the output amounts summed up. ( 0.4 - (mining fee) ) + 0.3 + 0.3 With this you can send the max amount of the coin, by setting the same value of the input coins for the output address.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"send", "params": { "payments":[ {"sendto": "tb1qgvnht40a08gumw32kp05hs8mny954hp2snhxcz", "amount": 15000, "label": "David", "subtractFee": true }, {"sendto":"tb1qpyhfrpys6skr2mmnc35p3dp7zlv9ew4k0gn7qm", "amount": 86200, "label": "Michael"} ], "coins":[{"transactionid":"ab83d9d0b2a9873b8ab0dc48b618098f3e7fbd807e27a10f789e9bc330ca89f7", "index":0}], "feeTarget":2, "password": "UserPassword" }}' | jq

In case of error, it is reported in the json's error object:

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"send", "params": { "payments": [{ "sendto": "tb1qnmfmkylkd548bbbcd9115b322891e27f741eb42c83ed982861ee121", "amount": 2015663, "label": "Mr. Who" }], "coins":[{"transactionid":"c68dacd548bbbcd9115b38ed982861ee121c5ef6e0f1022891e27f741eb42c83", "index":0}], "feeTarget": 2, "password": "UserPassword" }}' | jq
    "message":"Needed: 0.02015663 BTC, got only: 0.001 BTC."

Note: error codes are generic and not Wasabi specific.


Builds a transaction. It is similar to the send method, except that it will not automatically broadcast the transaction. So it is also possible to send to many and to subtract the fee.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"build", "params": { "payments":[ {"sendto": "tb1qgjgy9k7q32rcvdjsp3nhq0x8saqcvyahhy8up2", "amount": 15000, "label": "David" }, ], "coins":[{"transactionid":"cdfda1d9839e71e82ca539a4f60e947b1cdfbeecb198616e1daa5c43e2e6fbb3", "index":0}], "feeTarget":2, "password": "UserPassword" }}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "01000000000101b3fbe6e2435caa1d6e6198b1ecbedf1c7b940ef6a439a52ce8719e83d9a1fdcd0000000000fdffffff02cfc40300000000002251203ad2f2cf18af791235fbc634333e30becbf7a3d566f9b2cbf36960d68d6e95f5983a000000000000160014449042dbc08a878636500c67703cc787418613b70247304402206cf8fd02465b77b189cb752c15e8baf69c5de7a1e1c9b27380227fc21b55ffa7022059533d0046e6a6b58bc6ff4be297d02773651849e6ba40f2dec31a98b9fa7863012103d626df6a18ed29d4c7e80199f7f183bd4949f6c8073463c81f3802b57f9546d000000000",
  "id": "1"

The result is the transaction hex, waiting to be broadcast.


Broadcasts a transaction. Enter the transaction hex in the params field.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"broadcast", "params":["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"]}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "txid": "7cb3c78e10a4730f157589e348ea12b29d3d638826a31f77baccc82e6047de25"
  "id": "1"


Returns the list of all transactions sent and received.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"gethistory"}' http:/ | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "datetime": "2019-10-01T12:31:57+00:00",
      "height": 597871,
      "amount": -2110090,
      "label": "David",
      "tx": "680d8940145f53cf2a0c24b27ba0bb53fbd639011eba3d23c9d53123ddae5f32"
      "islikelycoinjoin": "false"
      "datetime": "2019-10-04T17:00:15+00:00",
      "height": 597872,
      "amount": -2120000,
      "label": "Pablo",
      "tx": "e5e4486ad2c9fc6f3c262c4c64fa5fbcc607aa301182d45848a6692c5a0d0fc0"
      "islikelycoinjoin": "true"
      "datetime": "2019-09-22T11:59:32+00:00",
      "height": 5965600,
      "amount": 44480000,
      "label": "kyed-exchange",
      "tx": "6a2e99298dbbd201230a99e62ea584d7f63f62ad1de7166f24eb2e24867f6faf"
      "islikelycoinjoin": "false"


Returns the list of all the generated keys.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "fullKeyPath": "84'/1'/0'/1/0",
      "internal": true,
      "keyState": 2,
      "label": "Adam",
      "scriptPubKey": "0 9d71708d966c8900e40f5563aab93d5394c2cca5",
      "pubkey": "031606b4c6a8651726020af23cbd014c39695171444effd799ba00c41e2b37aad6",
      "pubKeyHash": "9d71708d966c8900e40f5563aab93d5394c2cca5",
      "address": "tb1qn4chprvkdjyspeq024364wfa2w2v9n99ucent4"
      "fullKeyPath": "84'/1'/0'/0/0",
      "internal": false,
      "keyState": 0,
      "label": "Valeria",
      "scriptPubKey": "0 952bae5f20dc6d0ca8a5b92b3aeafef46ac7c52c",
      "pubkey": "038131d9917592ef142bad9db15d2d96ff4562f83105a50abbcc53362b8e1dffa6",
      "pubKeyHash": "952bae5f20dc6d0ca8a5b92b3aeafef46ac7c52c",
      "address": "tb1qj546uheqm3kse299hy4n46h7734v03fvdpz3wv"
      "fullKeyPath": "86'/1'/0'/1/0",
      "internal": true,
      "keyState": 2,
      "label": "Bernardo",
      "scriptPubKey": "1 760064fb5ca04f897ae1ab962fb722b3e2c1cb876d891f15ded89372d5ed80f0",
      "pubkey": "030548856287d8da7e02f3ec79d2d77cb91c6271d2bb5cd316370b6f798ae24347",
      "pubKeyHash": "6fdd4e1578612eaa6c3cac493244fc3536ae1169",
      "address": "tb1pwcqxf76u5p8cj7hp4wtzldezk03vrju8dky379w7mzfh940dsrcql6v8zr"
  "id": "1"

This call can be adapted to query certain keys too.

All unused keys

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq '.result[] | select(.keyState == 0)'

All unused keys for change

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq '.result[] | select(.keyState == 0 and .internal == true)'

Unused keys generated by the user

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq '.result[] | select(.keyState == 0 and .internal == false and .label != "")'

All already used keys

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq '.result[] | select(.keyState == 2)'

All unused locked keys (reserved for coinjoins)

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"listkeys"}' | jq '.result[] | select(.keyState == 1 and .internal == true)'


curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"startcoinjoin", "params":["UserPassword", "True", "True"]}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1"

The first parameter is the wallet password, the second parameter is stopWhenAllMixed, and the third one isoverridePlebStop.


curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"startcoinjoinsweep", "params":["UserPassword", "OutputWalletName"]}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1"


curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"stopcoinjoin"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1"


Stops and exits Wasabi.

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"stop"}' | jq


Method not found

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"howknows"}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32601,
    "message": "'howknows' method not found."
  "id": "1"

Parse error

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0" []}' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32700,
    "message": "Parse error"

Mismatching parameters

curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "getnewaddress", "params": { "lable": "label with a typo" }, "id":"1" }' | jq
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32602,
    "message": "A value for the 'label' is missing."
  "id": "1"